Express Entry

skilled immigrants

Daddy’s day out with the kids in Toronto, Canada

Express Entry (EE) is not an application for permanent residence. It is an application tool and a filter through which the Immigration Department determines which applicants can be invited to apply for permanent residence. An Invitation to Apply (ITA) is a confirmation that you have been selected to apply for Canadian Permanent Residence.

The addition of the Express Entry preliminary layer of assessment means that I will assess your application in two major steps. The first step is to ensure that your profile has been entered into the Express Entry database in a manner that can yield eligibility.

The second step kicks in after an ITA has been received. It involves a full application for Permanent Residence. In addition to eligibility and selection, you have to pass admissibility tests and also corroborate all claims in the profile previously entered into the Express Entry database.

To ensure that your profile is created and entered in a manner that can yield eligibility, we urge you to send us a detailed CV for thorough review. Our experienced consultant will provide insight into the aspects of your CV or resume that require improvement or complete overhaul. Our goal is to ensure that you communicate your credentials clearly, truthfully and in a language that the decision maker at the Immigration Department will understand.

In a perfect scenario, the whole process from Express Entry to ITA should take no longer than 12 months. The process from ITA to Confirmation of Permanent Residence should take about six months.

Because we don’t always operate in perfect scenarios, wait times longer than those suggested above can occur. Some applicants have waited longer than 12 months. Some, up to 24 months. But remember that a delayed verdict does not equate to denial of a desired status.

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