Immigration Pathways

Canada is known as the country immigrants built. Everybody, except the First Nations people, came to Canada from another part of our vast planet. There is a story that the very first immigrants entered, allegedly without proper authorization, and set the rules for the rest of us. Today, very few people–mostly nationals from developed (mostly western) and peaceful countries–arrive in Canada without applying for visas offshore.

Canada is the land of multi-literacy, multiculturalism, multilingualism and multi-many other things.

There are more than 10 pathways to immigrate to Canada. Below are some of the more popular ones:

  • Express Entry
  • Provincial Nominee Programs

    Three Mbukus

    Happy Immigrant Family in Toronto, Canada

  • International Student–Temporary Immigration that can lead to Permanent Residence
  • Work Permit–Temporary Immigration that can lead to Permanent Residence
  • Caregivers–Temporary Immigration that can lead to permanent residence
  • Spousal Sponsorships
  • Parental Sponsorships
  • Family Sponsorships
  • Visits–Temporary Immigration
  • Super Visa–allowing parents to stay in Canada for many years

How can we determine your pathway?

Please send us a detailed CV. We can identify (for you) immigration pathways you never thought were applicable to you. We shall also show you how to bridge to a desired status using what you already have. The Canadian Government is generous to people who do things the legal way; let us show you how.

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